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1. A player from each team dives theatrically as the ball approaches, resulting in a hilarious impromptu wrestling match in the penalty area.
2. One of the strikers slips while taking a penalty and the ball loops harmlessly into the goalkeeper's arms.
3. An overly enthusiastic defender slides in to take the ball off an opponent's foot - and takes out his own keeper instead.
4. The ball ricochets off a post and a player on each team dives for it, resulting in a mad scramble that eventually sees the ball end up in the net - but for the wrong team.
5. A goal is disallowed after a linesman decides that the ball has crossed the line by a matter of inches - much to the dismay of the players and fans of the offending team.
6. A player attempts an outrageous piece of skill to beat the goalkeeper - and ends up losing the ball embarrassingly.
7. One team spends most of the game attacking but fails to score, while the other team spends most of the game defending but manages to score from a rare chance.
8. The ball is passed back and forth between the two teams for what seems like an eternity, with no one able to make a breakthrough.
9. A player is sent off for a reckless tackle, resulting in a 10- vs-9 battle for the remainder of the match.
10. The final whistle blows to end a truly bizarre and entertaining match - with both teams having scored and conceded an equal number of goals.

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