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10 latest + funniest news

1. A woman in Florida was arrested for throwing a chair at her ex-boyfriend during an argument. She claims she simply got "mad and threw the first thing she could find." 2. A new study has found that people who laugh more are likely to live longer. The study's authors say, "Laughter is the best medicine."
3. A man in England was caught stealing a loaf of bread to feed his hungry family. When asked why he didn't just ask for help, he replied, "I'm too proud." 4. A new study has found that the average person spends more than four hours a day looking at their phone. Experts say this is leading to a "loneliness epidemic."
5. A woman in Texas was arrested for driving while wearing a “I’m with stupid” t-shirt. When asked why she was wearing the shirt, she replied, "I thought it was funny." 6. A new study has found that the average person has a attention span of just eight seconds. That's shorter than the average goldfish.
7. A man in India was arrested for smuggling gold in his rectum. When asked why he didn't just use a safe, he replied, "I didn't have time to go to the bank." 8. A new study has found that the average person's brain is only 60 percent active while they're working. The other 40 percent is just watching cat videos on YouTube.
9. A woman in England was caught stealing a wheelbarrow from a local garden center. When asked why she needed a wheelbarrow, she replied, "I don't know. I just thought it was funny."
10. A new study has found that the average person has a shorter attention span than a goldfish. Experts say this is because we're constantly bombarded with distractions from our phones and laptops.https://freesmilehere.blogspot.com/

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