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Me, my worries and wishes

I am a worthless slave of great creator
It is a truth no matter

    You can see my website here
     I am a literary under taker

You will enjoy my views
If you are a sensible orator

     There are so many topics
     Which are in my mind scatter

I have to column it 
You know little hard that matter

     I will try to offer something new
     I will prove myself a good baker

You will enjoy different taste here
You will find me a joy maker

     I offer my hand hold it
     Though not a friend every hand shaker

I will welcome your kind views
You must know I am not a dictator

      I will not file any cyber writ
      If any one stole my heart as a hacker

I will not change my principles
No, if you bring Chandra shaker

      I want to build a shop in your hearts
      And hope to become a super shop maker

You will not worry here in  life
If ROEDAD,will be your caretaker

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