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Politicians worry about their image, But sometimes it can be quite a scrimmage Trying to maintain a certain look While dealing with scandals and scandals bythe book. They fret over speeches and debates Thinking about each word that creates A lasting impression on the crowd And wondering if their message is allowed. They stress about their funding source If their donors will endorse Their policies and their campaign And worry if they'll receive the acclaim. But what about the funny worries they face The little things that might seem commonplace? Like which tie to wear on the big stage Or if their hair will stay in place. They might fuss over their image and charm Wondering if they're coming off as warm And if their smile is genuine and bright Or if it will make the voters take flight. They might worry about their fashion sense Will they appear too trendy or too dense? And if their suit fits just right Or if they'll look like a fashion fright. Politics can bring about many stresses But sometimes the trivial things can cause messes So let's not forget to laugh and ease our minds And leave our funny worries.

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