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David Choe is a well-known name in the art world, but recently he has gained attention for his hilarious web movies. These movies are a combination of comedy, absurdity, and Choe's unique style of storytelling. Created with a low budget and minimal resources, these movies feel raw and unpolished, which only adds to their charm.
One of the most popular David Choe web movies is "Thumbs Up!," a travel series that follows Choe and his friend Harry Kim as they hitch hike across the United States, relying solely on the kindness of strangers for transportation, food, and shelter.
The show is hilarious, at times heart warming, and always unpredictable. Choe and Kim encounter a wide range of interesting characters along the way, from elderly hippies living off the grid to hardcore gamers who let them crash at their apartment.
Another standout web movie by David Choe is "Dirty Hands," a documentary about the artist's journey to create a massive mural at Facebook headquarters in exchange for stock options. The film gives viewers a glimpse into Choe's artistic process, his struggles with addiction, and his irreverent attitude towards fame and success. Choe's blunt honesty and self-deprecating humor make "Dirty Hands" as entertaining as it is insightful. from elderly hippies living off the grid to hardcore gamers who let them crash at their apartment.
In addition to his web movies, David Choe has also gained a following for his unconventional approaches to traditional art forms. He paints murals with his bare hands, using vibrant colors and bizarre imagery to highlight the absurdity of human existence. His graffiti work ranges from playful to provocative, with recurring themes of sexuality, violence, and pop culture iconography. Choe has also dabbled in animation, producing surreal and often grotesque cartoons that are equal parts hilarious and unsettling.
While David Choe's humor may not be for everyone, there's no denying his impact on the world of art and entertainment. His web movies are a testament to his creativity, his boundless energy, and his uncompromising style. Love him or hate him, there's no denying that Choe is a true original, always pushing boundaries and challenging expectations.

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