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There are many funny stories about children.
One time a little girl was at the grocery store with her mom. She saw a candy bar she wanted and asked her mom for it. Her mom told her she couldn't have it because she had already had too many sweets that day. The little girl started to cry and said, "But I don't care. I still want the candy bar."
Another time, a little boy was at the park with his mom. He saw a big dog and started to run away in terror. His mom called out to him to stop, but he just kept running. She finally caught up to him and asked him why he was running. He said, "I was running away from the dog, but now I'm running away from you because you're mad at me."
Funny stories about children always make us laugh. They are so innocent and naive that they often say or do things that make us laugh.
Children are definitely a blessing to their parents and make life a lot more fun.

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