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Here are some additional steps to help you deliver a funny speech effectively:

1. Know your audience: Before delivering your speech, it's important to know your audience and what their interests and sense of humor might be. This way, you can tailor your speech to their preferences and increase your chances of getting a laugh.

2. Use humor throughout: From the beginning to the end of your speech, make sure to sprinkle funny anecdotes, puns, jokes, and one -liners throughout. Don't save all the humor for the end, as this might make your speech seem flat and boring. Incorporate humor into the structure of your speech by incorporating punchlines into your main points and creating a humorous storyline.

3. Keep it relevant: While humor can be used to alleviate tension or make a point, make sure it is relevant to your subject matter. You don't want to come across as frivolous or insincere, and humor that is not related to the subject matter may fall flat.

4. Use your body language: Body language plays a big part in delivering a funny speech. Work on your facial expressions, gestures, and movements to enhance your delivery. Use pauses, inflection, and emphasis to create anticipation and enhance the humor.

5. Practice: Practice makes perfect, and that is particularly true when it comes to delivering a funny speech. Rehearse your speech in front of friends, family, or colleagues, and ask for feedback on your delivery and humor. Work on timing, delivery, and finding the right balance between humor and your message.

6. Don't be afraid to improvise: While preparation is essential, don't be afraid to improvise if an opportunity arises. Sometimes the best humor comes from spontaneity, so be open to changing your delivery or adding a joke on the spot.

7. Finally, have fun: If you are having a good time delivering your speech, chances are your audience will be too. Don't take yourself too seriously, and enjoy the opportunity to connect with your audience through humor.

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