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                               HOPE (OPTIMISM)

When life gets you down, and you're feeling out of luck

Just remember there's a bright side, and it won't take much

Just find a reason to smile, and a little bit of humor


Then sing this silly song, it'll lift your mood like a bloomer

Hey, hey, hey, there's always a way

To find cost a buck

You can smile and laugh, and forget all your strife

With a little bit of hope, you can change your life.

Hope, hope, it's a funny thing,

It can make you laugh, and it can make you sing

It can turn your day around, make everything okay,


So hold on tight to hope and chase the blues away.

When the world is dark, and you can't find the light

Just look inside yourself, and you'll find the fight,

You can dance and sing, and forget your despair,

With a little bit of hope, you can go anywhere.

Hope, hope, it's a funny thing 

It can make you laugh, and it can make you sing

It can turn your day around, make everything okay

So hold on tight to hope and chase the blues away.

Life can be tough, but you're tougher still,

You can take on anything, with hope as your pill,

So don't give up yet, don't throw in the towel

With a little bit of hope, you can raise the bar and howl!

Hope, hope, it's a funny thing,

It can make you laugh, and it can make you sing,

It can turn your day around, make everything okay,

So hold on tight to  chase the blues away.


With a little bit of hope, you can conquer the world

So don't let anything stop you, just let your flag unfurl

You can do anything, yes, you can,

With a little bit of hope and a whole lot of plan!

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