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1. Chinese people are very superstitious and often believe in good and bad luck. 2. Many Chinese people are very loyal to their family and friends.
3. In Chinese culture, it is considered very important to show respect to your elders. 4. Chinese people are often very hardworking and industrious.
5. In China, it is considered very important to save money and to be frugal. 6. Chinese people are often very family-oriented and often live with their parents until they get married.
7. In China, it is considered very important to have a good education. 8. Chinese people are often very patriotic and proud of their country.
9. Chinese people are often very superstitious and believe in things such as lucky and unlucky numbers, colours, and animals. 10. Chinese people are often very traditional and conservative in their beliefs and customs.
11. In China, it is considered very important to maintain face and to avoid embarrassment. 12. Chinese people are often very good at maths and science.
13. Chinese people are often very good at cooking and have a wide variety of traditional dishes. 14. Chinese people are often very good at martial arts.
15. Chinese people are often very good at business and are often very successful in the business world. 16. Chinese people are often very good at manufacturing and exporting goods.
17. Chinese people are often very good at making money. 18. Chinese people are often very good at saving money.
19. Chinese people are often very good at investing money. 20. Chinese people are often very good at making money from real estate.

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