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The Indian subcontinent is a vast and diverse region, known for its colorful customs and traditions. While there are many serious rituals and ceremonies that take place here, there are also plenty of light-hearted customs and traditions that add a bit of humor to life in the subcontinent. Here are some of the funniest customs from India.
In India, it is considered bad luck to start any new venture on a Friday. This is because the word “Friday” is similar to the word “frailty”, which means weakness. It is also considered bad luck to start anything on an “unlucky day”, such as the 13th of any month. In some parts of India, it is considered good luck to have a black cat cross your path. This is because the black cat is considered to be a symbol of good luck. In India, it is considered bad luck to step on a crack in the pavement. This is because the crack is believed to represent a break in the protective “charm” that surrounds a person. In India, it is considered bad luck to open an umbrella indoors. This is because it is believed that the umbrella will “chase away” the good luck.
In India, it is considered bad luck to give someone a pair of shoes as a gift. This is because it is believed that the recipient will “walk away” from the friendship. In India, it is considered bad luck to gift a knife. This is because it is believed that the recipient will “cut” the friendship. In India, it is considered bad luck to gift a book. This is because it is believed that the recipient will “close” the friendship. In India, it is considered bad luck to gift a clock. This is because it is believed that the recipient will “time” the friendship.
In India, it is considered bad luck to gift a mirror. This is because it is believed that the recipient will “see” the end of the friendship. In India, it is considered bad luck to gift a snake. This is because it is believed that the recipient will “kill” the friendship. In India, it is considered bad luck to gift a scorpion. This is because it is believed that the recipient will “sting” the friendship. In India, it is considered bad luck to gift a cow. This is because it is believed that the recipient will “lose” the friendship.
In India, it is considered bad luck to gift a tiger. This is because it is believed that the recipient will “kill” the friendship. In India, it is considered bad luck to gift a lamb. This is because it is believed that the recipient will “eat” the friendship. In India, it is considered bad luck to gift a dog. This is because it is believed that the recipient will “bite” the friendship. In India, it is considered bad luck to gift a cat. This is because it is believed that the recipient will “scratch” the friendship.
In India, it is considered bad luck to gift a horse. This is because it is believed that the recipient will “run away” with the friendship. In India, it is considered bad luck to gift a fish. This is because it is believed that the recipient will “swim away” with the friendship. In India, it is considered bad luck to gift a bird. This is because it is believed that the recipient will “fly away” with the friendship. In India, it is considered bad luck to gift a rabbit. This is because it is believed that the recipient will “breed” away the friendship.

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