1. In Saudi Arabia, it's illegal for women to drive cars.
2. In India, it's illegal to be a homosexual.
3. In China, it's illegal to have more than one child.
4. In Singapore, it's illegal to chew gum.
5. In Burma, it's illegal to be a woman.
1. In the United Arab Emirates, it's illegal to be caught drinking alcohol.
2. In Qatar, it's illegal to be caught wearing jeans.
3. In Lebanon, it's illegal to kiss in public.
4. In Bahrain, it's illegal to be caught with a woman who is not your wife.
5. In Oman, it's illegal to be caught dancing.
6. In Afghanistan, it's illegal to be caught not wearing a burka.
7. In Iran, it's illegal to be caught listening to music.
8. In Syria, it's illegal to be caught smiling in public.
9. In Iraq, it's illegal to be caught with a woman who is not your wife.
10. In Yemen, it's illegal to be caught with a male friend.
11. In Libya, it's illegal to be caught not carrying a weapon.
12. In Sudan, it's illegal to be caught wearing shorts.
13. In Mauritania, it's illegal to be caught not wearing a hijab.
14. In Somalia, it's illegal to be caught not wearing a hijab or a burka.
15. In Eritrea, it's illegal to be caught not wearing a hijab.