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The Worry of Eastern Mother
There are many things that Eastern mothers worry about. From the clothes their children wear to the schools they attend, these mothers are always concerned about their children’s well-being. However, these mothers also worry about other things in a funny way. One worry for these mothers is the type of friends their children make. Many Eastern mothers believe that their children should only associate with those of the same race and religion. They feel that this will help their children to stay on the right path in life.
Another worry for Eastern mothers is the way their children dress. These mothers often want their children to dress in a certain way, which may not always be the latest fashion. They believe that dressing in a certain way will help their children to be respected by others.
Finally, Eastern mothers often worry about the schools their children attend. They want to be sure that the schools are good and that their children are learning what they need to know. These mothers also want their children to be in a safe environment.

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