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Africa is a vast continent with many different cultures, traditions, and customs. One of the most interesting things about African customs is the way that they vary from one country to the next. While there are some customs that are shared by many African countries, there are also many that are unique to a specific region or tribe.
One of the most famous African customs is the traditional African wedding. African weddings are often very colorful and festive affairs, and they can last for several days. Another famous African custom is the traditional tribal dance. African tribal dances are often very energetic and intricate, and they can be quite mesmerizing to watch.
Another interesting African custom is the way that people greet one another. In many African countries, it is customary to greet someone by touching their chest with your right hand and then pressing your forehead against theirs. This custom is known as the “handshake” or “namaste”, and it is a gesture of respect.
Another common African custom is the way that people dress. African clothing is often quite colorful and vibrant, and it is often made from natural materials such as cotton, wool, and leather. African clothing is also often quite elaborate, and it can be quite a challenge to dress in the traditional styles of some African countries.
One of the most interesting things about African customs is the way that they vary from one country to the next. While there are some customs that are shared by many African countries, there are also many that are unique to a specific region or tribe.

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