NTRODUCTION:There are many great comedians who were born on the banks of the Amazon River. Here are just ten of them : class="separator" style="clear: both;">

1. Carlos Alberto de Nóbrega – This Brazilian comedian was born in Rio de Janeiro in 1957. He is best known for his work on the Brazilian comedy show “A Praça É Nossa.”
2. Diego Armando Maradona – This Argentine soccer player and comedian was born in Buenos Aires in 1960. He is best known for his work on the Argentine comedy show “Bienvenidos.”
3. Fábio Jr. – This Brazilian singer and comedian was born in Rio de Janeiro in 1966. He is best known for his work on the Brazilian comedy show “Escolinha do Professor Raimundo.”
4. Gugu Liberato – This Brazilian comedian, actor, and television host was born in Rio de Janeiro in 1954. He is best known for his work on the Brazilian comedy show “Programa do Gugu.”
5. Jô Soares – This Brazilian comedian, actor, and television host was born in Rio de Janeiro in 1938. He is best known for his work on the Brazilian comedy show “Jô Soares Onze e Meia.”
6. Luciano Huck – This Brazilian comedian, actor, and television host was born in São Paulo in 1971. He is best known for his work on the Brazilian comedy show “Caldeirão do Huck.”
7. Marcelo Tas – This Brazilian comedian, writer, and television host was born in Rio de Janeiro in 1957. He is best known for his work on the Brazilian comedy show “CQC – Custe o Que Custar.”
8. Rafinha Bastos – This Brazilian comedian, actor, and television host was born in São Paulo in 1975. He is best known for his work on the Brazilian comedy show “A Turma do Didi.”
9. Roberto Justus – This Brazilian entrepreneur, television host, and comedian was born in São Paulo in 1965. He is best known for his work on the Brazilian comedy show “Roberto Justus +.”
10. Silvio Santos – This Brazilian comedian, actor, and television host was born in Rio de Janeiro in 1930. He is best known for his work on the Brazilian comedy show “SBT.”