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When it comes to the weather, there's nothing funnier than experiencing the extremes. From blistering heat to numbing cold, from torrential rain to blinding snow, Mother Nature sure knows how to keep us on our toes – and sometimes make us laugh
. It's hard not to find something funny about the weather, especially when it's something we're not used to. A light dusting of snow in the middle of summer can make people do a double-take, and a tornado in the middle of winter can raise a few eyebrows.
Some of the funniest weather moments happen when the weatherman gets it wrong. We all know the feeling of watching the forecast, seeing a snowstorm predicted, and then waking up to a beautiful sunny day. And then there are the times when the weatherman predicts a heat wave and we end up with a cold front.
It's also funny when the weather takes a turn for the worse in the middle of nowhere. You're driving down the highway on a bright and sunny day, and then all of a sudden you hit a snowstorm. Or you're lying on the beach enjoying the sun, and then a thunderstorm rolls in.
There's something about the unpredictability of the weather that makes it so funny. You just never know what's going to happen next.
Whether it's hot or cold, rainy or snowy, the weather is always providing us with moments that make us laugh. So the next time you're feeling a little down, just take a look at the weather and you're sure to start smiling.

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