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Some funny surprises for some families

For many families, taking photos is a cherished tradition. However, sometimes things can go hilariously wrong, as these funny family photos show.
1. This family decided to have some fun with their photo shoot by dressing up as different characters. Unfortunately, things didn’t quite go to plan.
2. This family’s dog seems to have had enough of being in the photo shoot and decided to take a nap.
3. While this family’s photo shoot was going well, their cat had other ideas.
4. This family’s photo shoot went a bit too well and they all ended up with wet clothes.
5. This family’s dog didn’t quite understand what was going on and decided to photobomb the shoot.
6. This family’s photo shoot was going well until their baby started to cry.
7. This family’s photo shoot ended in disaster when their baby threw a tantrum.
8. This family’s photo shoot was going well until their dog decided to steal the show.
9. This family’s photo shoot didn’t quite go to plan when their baby started to crawl away.
10. This family’s photo shoot ended in chaos when their dog ran away.

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