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Roedad's heart, oh what a sight 

Always searching for Mr. Right

But time and time again it seems

 he falls for the wrong people's schemes

Roedad, Roedad, don't you worry

Your heart will be in a hurry

To find the man who treats you right 

Until then, just enjoy the night

Roedad met a man named jony

 He seemed charming and quite bony

 But as time went on, he showed his flaws

 He was always breaking the laws

Roedad, Roedad don't you worry

 Your heart will be in a hurry 

To find the man who treats you right 

Until then, just enjoy the night

Then Roedad found a man named Jed 

He made her laugh and smile in bed

 But then he revealed his secret too

 He liked to dress up in pink and blue

Your heart will be in a hurry

Roedad Roedad, don't you worry To find the man who treats you right 

Until then, just enjoy the night

Oh Friend, my dearest, don't you know

 You're my favorite one, my favorite show

 With your fuzzy fur and your big brown eyes

 You bring so much joy, to my daily grind


So come on every horse-pet owner 

Let's sing and dance, and bring some laughter 

Cause no matter how much life may stress

 We can always rely on our fluffy-friendliness!

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