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Your funny favorites bring me joy, 
They lift my spirits and ignite my soul.
 For when you share them with me,
 Laughter and smiles are my goal

From quirky memes to silly videos,

 Your funny favorites never fail to amuse.

 They bring a welcome break from reality.

 And make my day a little less gloomy and blues

I love the way you see the world

 Through a lens of humor and wit

 You find the funny in the mundane

 And make me laugh until my sides split.

Whether it's a joke or a prank 

Or just a humorous observation

 You always have a knack

 For bringing laughter and elation.

I may not always understand

 Your unique sense of humor and fun

But I'm grateful for the laughs you bring

 And all the joy that you have spun.

So keep on being the funny one

 With your favorite jokes and gags

For you bring light to my darkest days

And lift me up when I feel sad.

And though we may be far apart

 Your laughter echoes in my heart

 Reminding me to always find

 The humor in life and never grind.

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