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 So one day, I was scrolling through my Facebook feed and I saw a funny meme. I could n't resist sharing it with my friends, so I clicked the 'share' button. However, my internet connection was acting up and the share button wouldn't work. I kept clicking it over and over again, but it wouldn't budge.

After a few minutes of frustration, I decided to take a break and grab a snack. As I was munching on some chips, I glanced back at my computer screen and realized that I had accidentally clicked the 'like' button instead of the 'share' button.

I laughed out loud at my silly mistake and quickly deleted the like, hoping no one would notice. But of course, someone had already seen it and commented on the post, asking why I had liked it but not shared it.

Feeling embarrassed but trying to keep a sense of humor about it, I responded with a witty comment and explained my blunder. To my surprise, the thread took off and people couldn't stop laughing at my silly mistake.

From that day on, every time I made a mistake on Facebook, my friends would joke and say "Uh oh, did you accidentally like it again?" It became a running joke between us, and every time I see the like button, I can't help but chuckle to myself.

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