The greatest comedian of all time in the world
The top comedian in the world. Name: Jerry Seinfeld Birthdate: April 29 1954 Birthpla…
Parenthood is one of the most fulfilling experiences in life, but it can also be full of unexpected surprises and humorous moments. Whether it's…
Read moreI planned this day out perfectly I had it all figured out, you see But then everything went wrong And now I just can't help but sing this song. …
Read more1. A man in Ohio legally changed his name to "Bacon Double Cheeseburger." 2. A squirrel in Colorado was caught stealing candy from a Hallow…
Read moreLimerence is a state of intense infatuation characterized by strong emotional attachment and obsessive thoughts towards a particular person. It is o…
Read moreHeart breaks are often associated with sadness and pain. However, some heartbreaks can be so ridiculous that they end up being funny. Here are som…
Read moreBirthdays are special occasions that call for lots of joy and celebration. Every year we get a chance to celebrate the day we were born and the beg…
Read moreLife can be a roller coaster ride that takes us through ups and downs, twists and turns, and unexpected surprises. However, amidst the chaos and ch…
Read moreHere are some additional steps to help you deliver a funny speech effectively: 1. Know your audience: Before delivering your speech, it's impor…
Read moreCredulity: The Power of Belief Credulity is the tendency to believe things too easily, without sufficient evidence. It is often associated with gull…
Read moreHOPE (OPTIMISM) When life gets you down, and you're feeling out of luck Just remember there's a bright side, a…
Read moreLooking on the bright side of things can be a very powerful tool for mitigating negative thoughts and emotions. In fact, it can sometimes be the on…
Read moreThe top comedian in the world. Name: Jerry Seinfeld Birthdate: April 29 1954 Birthpla…
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